All-round Equipment Guide – part 1 – Armors
Hello Guardians, as some of us are getting back after a long break, I’ve decided to make a compact, condensed guide about equipment so all of us can learn something new and later just for a quick recap. As a first shot – ARMOR, as we all need to protect ourselves (especially on Gambit 😉 ).
1. What every stat is about?
Basic but most important information to know.
Mobility | Increases your movement speed and maximum jump height – Basic Hunter Stat |
Resilience | Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying – Basic Titan Stat |
Recovery | Increases the speed at which you regain lost health – Basic Warlock Stat |
Discipline | Decreases the cooldown time of your grenades, allowing you to use them more often |
Intellect | Decreases the cooldown of your Super ability, allowing you to use it more often |
Strength | Decreases the cooldown time of your melee ability, allowing you to use it more often |
2. Your overall stat is the sum from all your armor pieces.
You can check it below your power level, what is more, when you put your mouse on one of the statistics, you will see more detailed information.

3. Tiers of stats.
Stat point cap is 100. It is divided into 10 tiers, each contains 10 points. So Tier 1:0-9, Tier 2:10-19 etc. What is really important, you can count every stat point between Tiers as a lost point. So having 53 on Strength is the same as having 50.
Be aware that each stat scales differently with investment. Discipline, intellect, and strength grant diminishing returns after their fourth/fifth tier. So split distribution between these three stats is the best to go versatile. Mobility scales linearly while resilience and recovery grant greater returns with investment, recovery doing so at a much faster pace than resilience.
4. Armor upgrades.
Upgrading armor is easy, but higher tiers require rare materials so you need to do some planning to not run out of resources too quickly.
Armor has 10 tiers of upgrades. 1-9 and masterwork. Every upgrade level will give you +1 energy for mods, masterwork additionally will give you +2 to every stat.

Good advice would be to upgrade armor to tier 5 or 7 (when you want to stick with it for some time) as it don’t need too much materials. Masterwiork armor pieces that you will be using for long time, or need some boost before end game content.

5. Important numbers.
For now (Season 12), basic info:
- Max roll for armor piece is 70.
- Most common rolls on armor stat can be divided like this:
- Low: 2-5
- Medium: 6-11
- High: 12-19
- Godroll: 20-30
- Masterworked class item gives you +2 to every stat!

1. Mods Basics
Mods can help you customize and upgrade your armor in a way it will match your playstyle. Some of them may offer simple stat increases and some offer completely new mechanics.
To add mod to your armor open your piece of armor window, next to the infusion option you will see mod options.

2. Types of mods
- General Mods – provides bonus to stats +5 or +10.
- Slot-Specific Mods
- Helmet: Weapon targeting, scavenger, super energy Mods.
- Gloves: Dexterity, reload speed, fastball and ability energy perk Mods.
- Body Armor: Damage resistance, ammo reserves, and unflinching Mods.
- Boots: Ammo scavengers, Orbs of Power, and the Traction Mods.
- Class Item: Finisher, class ability, and most seasonal artifact Mods.
- Combat Style / Legacy Mods – special mechanics, Charged with Light, Warmind Cells.
- Raid Mods – special mods raid specific mods.
3. Elemental Affinity
Some mods require special energy affinity (void, solar, arc) on piece of armor. You can use it only when that piece have same affinity as mod.

4. Artifact Mods
Every season (from Shadowkeep expansion) introduce a new artifact from which we can unlock special mods that will remain active only during the season. It’s worth checking and using them, as often they unlock really powerful bonuses.

5. Builds
All those mods and stats, allow every guardian to personalize their playstyle even more. You can use specific builds like “charged with light” or just compensate for things that in your opinion lack in your character.
Don’t forget that Mods are one of the most effective ways (other than specific exotics) to deal with special type enemies as:
- Barrier – when you get their health to 50% they will pop up healing barrier, they can’t be killed if you don’t have a shield-piercing weapon.
- Unstoppable – they got enormous health, best to deal with them with a stagger.
- Overload – no dmg until you disrupt them (special overload mod)
Next part of our basic guide, will be about weapons. Until then,