MADD RECAP #11 – Season 14 prologue
Hello Guardians!
Season 14 was really exciting, new raid, great story and as a clan we are finally fully back. But this season is going to end in 2 weeks, so it is a good time for some first summaries!
Hello Guardians!
Season 14 was really exciting, new raid, great story and as a clan we are finally fully back. But this season is going to end in 2 weeks, so it is a good time for some first summaries!
Hello Guardians!
Time for a real summary of season 13. It’s a great occasion to celebrate – it’s our anniversary recap and as a clan, we’ve made a big comeback this season after a really long break. Because of that, some bonuses wait for all of you but first, let’s look at what we’ve done.
Hello Guardians!
Season 14 will arrive in 3 days – some major changes to weapons, perks and systems. In this post I will present some overview about the most important changes and include some mini-guide on how to prepare. What is more MADD is getting ready for new challenges!
Hello Guardians!
Season 13 is going to end in 2 weeks, so it is a good time for some first summaries!
Hello Guardians!
Time for our first true recap after reactivation! Season 13 is on, everybody knows the Darkness and Mr. Crow, so… what we will do now?
Read more “MADD RECAP #8 / Season 13 suprise” →
Hello Guardians!
Time to come back to our recap posts! This one will be first after our rejoining so some important stuff inside, interested?