MADD RECAP #9 / 2 weeks till end of…
Hello Guardians!
Season 13 is going to end in 2 weeks, so it is a good time for some first summaries!
- We’ve managed to do 3 clan rewards every week from the start of the season – great job for all who wanted to grab rewards and help other members!
- Tsuki, Tabrus, and Yinglong – gained all Trials of Osiris weapons.
- Seals update. Tabrus and Tsuki should be able to complete Chosen Seal for season 13. Yinglong managed to get Chosen and Splintered Seals during this season.
- Everyone completed Seasonal exotic quest – Presage and BL dungeon – Prophecy.
- We’ve completed Deep Stone Crypt Raid for the first time in season 13! Congratulations to all who participated in it! Aletheya, Tsuki, Nova, Tabrus, Misiek – thank you for helping with it and doing a great job inside!
- And last but not least Power Levels! Most of us already received Hard Cap, and some are scratching this sweet 1300 spot 😉
- Ryu – 1334 (1310 + 24)
- Tabrus – 1328 (1307 + 21)
- Tsuki – 1325 (1306 + 19)
- Misiek – 1302 (1289 +13)
- Nova – 1298 (1290 + 8)
- Aletheya – 1295
What is more, new clan movies are on the way – the gallery will be updated soon!
Full season 13 summary and guides/ideas for season 14 – in the next recap (in about 2 weeks).
See you in-game Guardians!