Season 14 – basics, concepts and MAD(D) ideas
Hello Guardians!
Season 14 will arrive in 3 days – some major changes to weapons, perks and systems. In this post I will present some overview about the most important changes and include some mini-guide on how to prepare. What is more MADD is getting ready for new challenges!
Season of the Splicers – for the first time sun did not rise above the tower, Vex closed the last city in the simulation. The last hope may by Mithrax, one of the last Sacred Splicers. Will his connection to traveler will be enough to work with guardians?
Season 14 will last for 15 weeks and offer a lot of new features and some important system changes. Some of them below:
- Helm upgrade – new HELM loading bay, Umbral Engrams will offer new drops (Yes, Umbral will not disappear!)
- New stasis aspects – ready for new PvP dominance? 😉 some sneak peak may be on trailer – look at grenade that on kill dropped stasis spear? (sick!)
- Armor Transmog – finally long awaited feature – ability to change almost every non-exotic armor piece to ornament. Though remember that number of transmogs will be limited per season, though on season 14 the cap will be higher then on next seasons – so get ready and think which armor pieces you wanna transmog first, to get your look to the new level!
- New raid – Vault of Glass, do I need to say more? First Destiny 1 raid reworked. (First Raid in my live, so my personal favorite 😉 )
- Weekly pinnacle missions – Crash the simulation, looks like it will be story driven, maybe similar to Presage?
- Solstice of Heroes Event – 1 month lasting, waiting for more information, last year it looked sick!
- Over 30 new weapons – 1 new exotic – stasis sidearm, 4 Vanguard Legendaries, 4 Gambit Legendaries, 4 Crucible Legendaries. Rest is left for us to discover – let’s find them all guardians!

How to prepare / new ideas
- Stack up non-guardian games bounties, on 3 characters
- Getting all your characters to 1300+ would be good idea, as new light cap will be 1320, so if you finish this season with 1310 you will start from pinnacle level on day 1!
- Recycle all of your shaders
- Farm good Blasphemers – it will be available in the altar of sorrows from Sunday till Monday (for PvE go with any +range barrel, Assault Mag, Fourth Times the Charm and Swashbuckler, for PvP any +range barrel, Assault Mag/Light Mag + Quickdraw/Hip-Fire Grip + Opening Shot)
- It may be good idea to grind Threaded Needle (all Linear Fusion Rifles will get +15% to precision dmg), with perks stick to: Vorpal Weapon + Auto Loading Holster/Rapid Hit, as for other two – nothing with range/stability everything else should be ok!
MADD – new challenges
- Raid plans – 1 raid per 2 weeks is our plan minimum, optimal would be 1 raid per week. What is more the plan is to 1st time complete Vault of Glass, Last Wish and Garden of Salvation.
- Hawthorne engrams – same as with season 13, 3-4 engrams every week, so every clan member can take advantage of those “free” engrams.
Ryu – challenges
After season 13 Big Comeback, we can try to work on some personal/group achievements. Some hardcore gaming allowed us to gain some nice trophies – more about those in MADD recap #10!
Because of that some small propositions below. If you are interested talk with me in game, or PM me on discord. I will plan some mini clan events and work plans to achieve new heights!
- Seals – most obvious proposition will be to work on seals – old and new, especially those that can be achieved physically as bungie reward too.
- Trial weapons – same as season 13 we can work on getting all trail weapons with best possible rolls.
- Grand-Master Nightfalls – they will start in week 6/7 of new season. Probably it will be needed to have pinnacle level (1320) + 15 level of artifact – 1335 minimum. Title of Conqueror + adept nightfall weapons + adept mods – what more you need to fight for?
See you, in-game Guardians,