Power level small guide
Power level. Is it complicated in Destiny 2?
Complicated is too much, but it is not as simple at it may seem at the beginning.
For this moment we have few caps in the game – I will try to cover them all, so you can power level as fast as it is possible.
1st step is leveling to max level – 20.
2nd step is the boring one – gain power level 265 (some say 260). How to achieve this? Grinding – try to complete as much public events as you can (best would be heroic), do orange side quests, find lost sectors. You can boost yourself by using gunsmith tokens and planet specific tokens (they cap at 265).
3rd step is going to 280 – powerful gear, exotic weapons, nightfall, crucible – that is your way to go. So do as much weekly challenges as you can.
4th step is after 280 – here you can gain level same way as on step 3rd but you gain the ability to acquire legendary mods from gunsmith.
You can always infuse weapon/armor too – but remember that for infuse we count basic power (without mod).
For 2nd and 3rd character remember to share best weapons (and armors if same class) to level faster.
See you in the game Guardians!