MADD recap #2 and first month anniversary!
Hello dear guardians!
We have started our 5th week together in Destiny 2. It’s time, to sum up, first month of our activity.
1st – we now have 25 active members, and we were starting with just 2 of us, so it is a really good result. What is more, we manage to encourage our real-life friends one of them joined us already! Warm welcome Tabrus!
2nd – again we’ve no problem to do NF and Crucible every week for guild contribution.
3rd – We’re already at the end of 4th clan level, so we will get max (6) level till end of the season 1 for sure!
What are we working on now?
* We wanna try our best in the Trials of the Nine. (4 ppl based PvP matches) – 1st group run it so we might share some experience already.
* We wanna help every member who is interested in learning the Leviathan raid mechanics. I’ve posted mini-guide on our site for those who haven’t tried it yet.
* We want to focus on building our community, making strong bonds – The power comes from the well-knit team, not in the numbers.
I would like to thanks, Misiek who helped me with the site, with the clan, and who is playing with me even if we have really little time.
I would like to thanks Alex who become our moderator on discord channel, and who is very active and social in our clan.
I would also like to thanks every member who bid their contribution by helping others, gaining clan exp and most of all building our community on Bungie site, discord and of course in the game.
After first month of the game I can share my personal achievement – completed everything that games have to offer excluding prestige raid. My guardians: