MADD Recap #4 – Happy Dawning
Hello Guardians!
We are getting closer to the end of this year, season two is on-going, Curse of Osiris release is behind us, we had Prometheus Lens story (ahhh this laser tags) and now the Dawning has started.
MADD is stronger than ever – we’re reaching clan exp cap approximately in 48 hours after reset, as we do with both nightfall and crucible clan engrams. Raiding team is doing it’s best to provide raid clan engram every week. Slowly we are gaining more people interested in raiding, that gives hope that we will be able to create two raiding teams instead of one – more about it below.
This week team composed of Alatheya, Alex, Nova, Misiek, Tsuki and me, did almost clear Leviathan raid (1st try on Dogs and Calus, and 2nd try on Pools and Gauntlet)!
We’ve tried Eater of Worlds encounter too, though we did not have enough time to complete it.
The community subpage on our site is gaining momentum, we hope that more ppl interested in sharing something about themselves and wanting to know more about others will sign up. (The password is available on the clan site on bungie.net)
People have got more social, so we do not need to organize NF clearouts as events (last time when I was waiting 4 members showed up – all wanted to help those who didn’t do it yet – thank you for that!) because with good communication every interested player is doing it whenever he/she want (If you didn’t do your NF check bungie.net and discord and don’t hesitate to write there).
We’ve finally put our first full-clan Leviathan clearout movie, you can check it out here or in our video section!
Remember to check the Fall of Osiris comic! More lore for everyone 🙂

We have ambitious plans for the beginning of the next year:
- creating a weekend raiding team (with regular raid times),
- creating a weekday raiding team (with regular raid times),
- creating NA event group,
- Eater of Worlds clearout,
- doing clear Leviathan run,
- doing clan prestige Leviathan,
- doing clan prestige nightfall,
- keeping up with clan exp and rewards,
let’s see what we will cover up.
Guardians, have a happy Dawning and remember of taking breaks from saving the world (and getting stuff from Eververse 😉 ).
At the end, as always I would like to thank every member of the clan. For having a great time together and for all clan contribution!
See you in the game Guardians!
P.S. As it is probably last news on our site in 2017, I would like to wish everyone everything’s best for Christmas/Holidays and happy and awesome New Year!