MADD Recap #5
Hello Guardians!
We’ve started this year with boom. Dawning has ended, loads of future Destiny 2 info released and our clan is doing great job!
MADD reached exp cap just when it happened to be possible – so again we have maximum rank (6). Congratulations everyone – awesome job on that!
More and more people try to Raid with us, so more people learn the mechanic, that’s great! Hope we will keep that up.
It’s pretty silent lately but it’s normal – most of us have a lot of work or studying. What is more end-game activities are pretty specific and “grindy” (like Brother Vance forge weapons) and others require full teams.
But a lot of new information are down there, check this link for full info.
- January 30th update – with masterworks armor and raid reward rework,
- February update (probably 13th because then new event start) – new mods (if tests will be ok, if not they will postpone this), Tower Chat and some minor updates,
- BIG changes planned for Spring for example in-game clan chat, 6vs6 pvp, changes to the vault, and much more.
So, see you in the game Guardians!